File Before the Divorce – On the House

File Before the Divorce

By on March 25, 2014

All business people have a problem in common — files that grow and have a life of their own, with clutter that multiples faster than rabbits. In a big business, it’s a problem. In a small office, it’s worse yet. And at home, it’s a disaster.

You need to start filing before a divorce. Make a place for everything and put everything in its place. File stuff immediately after using it. When you file anything, review what’s already there. You’ll find plenty that can be tossed. Also write a discard date so you can trash what’s no longer needed.

Don’t keep info that’s readily available elsewhere. Info kept on your computer helps with paperless files, too. Finally, be relentless in routinely purging papers. Organize, categorize and minimize, unless you want to wind up living alone.

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