How to Clean Vinyl Siding – On the House

How to Clean Vinyl Siding

By on March 3, 2014

If you’re the new sheriff out to clean up the town, there’s nothing to it, partner, as long as the town has maintenance-free vinyl siding. All it needs is a good rinse with a garden hose.

But after a few years and a couple of gunfights, stagecoach holdups and cattle drives through town you might have to work just a mite harder. The boys over at the Vinyl Siding Institute suggest using a soft cloth or a long-handled, soft bristle brush — and for tough stuff like stubborn dirt, use plain old household cleaners like Fantastic, Lestoil and Windex.

For really tough stains like paint or tar, use mild abrasive cleaners like Ajax, Comet or Soft Scrub, but be careful partner. Rub too hard or too much and you might scratch up the surface. So there you have it, a tale of the Old West, and how the sheriff cleaned up the town. It was easy because Dodge City had vinyl siding.

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