Cost of Cabinets and Drawers – On the House

Cost of Cabinets and Drawers

By on June 26, 2014

Planning a kitchen remodel and want to keep costs to a minimum? Start by becoming an informed kitchen cabinet buyer because that’s where a lot of your budget goes. A simple thing like knowing the price difference between cabinet doors and drawers will help.

Cabinets with lots of doors are the cheapest way to go — and with each drawer you add, the price increases. This is because a door is cut from one piece of material while even the simplest drawer has five pieces. They have four sides and a bottom plus drawer slides which are far more expensive than hinges. So, to control costs, keep drawers to a minimum.

A cabinet with a door and a drawer costs more than one with a door alone and a pullout drawer hidden behind a door is even more expensive. When a contractor or dealer suggests adding drawers, expect the price to increase accordingly. On the other hand, if they’re going for a low bid, you can bet drawers and pullouts will be kept to a minimum. Remember: using more doors keeps cash in your drawers. 

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