Show Notes: If You’ve Got It, Haunt It!

Hay there, listener!
Here are just some of the topics the Carey Brothers discussed to spice up your weekend!
A BOOtiful House for sale!
The YARDMAX Fall Sweepstakes Winner is announced!
Falling into winter = watching movies inside = time to mount your TV on the wall!
You’ll go bat-ty for these tips on how keep bats out of your house!
Some Not-So-Scary Home Improvements!
Oh my gourd! We got calls from Matt Muenster of DIY and HGTV, Peter Daich, and Dave Smith calls us from a sound tunnel!
And more….
Haunted House For Sale! Some say it’s BOOtiful.
It also might be that people who have ghosts in their attic also have bats in their belfry.
While its not much of a problem for new-home builders as their products normally have not been lived in, there apparently are haunted houses out there, and millennials are willing to buy them.
That’s according to®, which today released its annual Haunted Real Estate Report. The new report found that one in three people – especially millennials – were willing to take a chance on a haunted home if there was something to sweeten the deal, while 18% of people say that the haunted nature of the home wouldn’t affect their purchase decision at all.
When asked to decide between purchasing a haunted or non-haunted home, respondents fell into the following three categories:
• I’ll buy, but I need a something more: A third of the respondents were willing to take a chance on a haunted home if presented with additional features. Topping the wish list was a cheaper home price (15%), followed by a tie between a larger kitchen and better neighborhood (9%). Millennials are the most price-sensitive of all demographics, with 17% persuadable by a lower price tag.
• Nothing else required: Surprisingly, 18% of people wouldn’t require any additional features to choose a haunted home over a non-haunted home. Nearly a quarter of those aged 35-54 said they wouldn’t be affected by the haunted nature of the home while making a purchase decision.
• Would not buy, not for anything: For the remaining 49%, there’s no price low enough or kitchen large enough to make them purchase a haunted home. The older generation of home buyers is the most reluctant to move into a haunted house, with 61% of those over 55 insisting that they would never buy a haunted home as opposed to 41% of millennials and Gen X’ers.
Living in a haunted home is more common than one would imagine, and not necessarily a surprise to the occupants. Nearly two in five people believe they have lived in a haunted (or possibly haunted) house, and 44% of them either suspected or were fully aware of said haunting before moving in. In fact, the majority of people under 55 years old suspected — or were sure — their home was haunted before they moved in, a decision possibly incentivized by a lower home price or better neighborhood. Hearing strange noises (54%) topped the list of most common spooky behaviors, followed by odd feelings in certain rooms (45%) and erratic pet behavior (34%).
Ray is the winner of the YARDMAX Fall “Power to do the Job” Sweepstakes!! He is the lucky winner of
Largest Capacity Concrete Mixer, 5.0 Cu. Ft. Concrete Mixer (Model Number: YM0146) $349.00
Most Powerful Plate Compactor, 3000lb Compaction Force Plate Compactor (Model Number: YC1390) $699.00
Versatile, Multi-Use Sweeper, Power Sweeper (Model Number: YP7065) $799.00
AND a $200 VISA Gift Card!!
We got the opportunity to talk about Daich Coatings New Products with Peter Daich!
Learn more at the Daich coatings website:
Selecting the Right TV Wall Mount Bracket
As we fall into the colder months, you’ll be spending more time indoors in front of the TV. It’s the perfect time to mount that TV up on the wall.
Mounting a flat panel TV on the wall is one of those jobs where a little know-how can save you a lot of money. Professional installation costs anywhere from $150 to $350—plus the cost of the mount itself. But if you can handle some precise measuring and drive a few screws, you can do a first-class job yourself in about an hour. We’ll show you how to wall mount a TV. Plus, we’ll sift through the confusing variety of mounts and help you choose the version that’s best for your situation.
Dozens of models, three styles:
Don’t get overwhelmed by all the wall-mount makes and models. They’re all just variations of three basic styles. The three styles differ mainly in how much they allow you to adjust the position of the screen. Adjustments can eliminate glare and increase viewing comfort in other ways, too. But adjustability is most important for picture quality. Like a computer screen, the picture on a TV screen is clearest when viewed straight on. So a mount that offers more adjustability gives you a clearer picture in more situations and may even increase your options for where you can place the TV.
Most flat TVs are designed for a wall mounted tv, but make absolutely sure yours is before you shop for a mount. Look for “VESA” (Video Electronics Standards Association) on the manual or the TV itself, followed by a number such as “VESA 75.” Any mount with the same VESA number will work with your TV. Also consider wiring before you choose a mount. If you plan to run wiring inside your walls, the mount design may determine how and where you can install an outlet and cable connections.
Low-profile mounts
Basic mounting
Low-profile mounts ($25 to $150) hold the TV close to the wall. That creates less of an obstacle along traffic paths and reduces the risk of TV damage or bruises.
Tilting mounts
More adjustability
Tilting mounts ($50 to $200) let you mount the TV above eye level or tweak the angle to suit the situation—something you may want to do if you’re watching TV from the floor one day and the sofa the next.
Full-motion mounts
Most versatile option
Full-motion mounts ($100 to $500) allow you to tilt, swivel, pan and extend the TV. That means you can pull the TV away from the wall and turn it to the left or right, to face the viewer.
Keeping Bats Out Of Your House
The big brown bat is found throughout most of the United States and Canada. It feeds principally on beetles.
Some bats live in buildings, and there s no reason to evict them if there is little chance for contact with people.
Bats must not be allowed into your home. It’s best to contact an animal-control or wildlife conservation agency for assistance with “bat-proofing” your home. If you choose to do the “bat-proofing” yourself, here are some suggestions.
Carefully examine your home for holes that might allow bats entry into your living quarters. Caulk any openings larger than a quarter-inch by a half-inch. Use window screens, chimney caps, and draft-guards beneath doors to attics, fill electrical and plumbing holes with stainless steel wool or caulking, and ensure that all doors to the outside close tightly.
Prevent bats from roosting in attics or buildings by covering outside entry points. Observe where the bats exit at dusk and keep them from coming back by loosely hanging clear plastic sheeting or bird netting over these areas. Bats can crawl out and leave, but cannot re-enter. When all the bats are gone, the openings can be permanently sealed.
Avoid doing this from May through August. If there are young bats in your attic, many of them can t fly and keeping the adults out will trap the young who will die or try to make their way into your rooms.
Most bats leave in the fall or winter to hibernate, so these are the best times to “bat-proof” your home.
For more information about “bat-proofing” your home, contact
Bat Conservation International.
Your Dream Bath
Brought to you by American Standard Walk-in Tubs
Andrea from Texas wants to know how to scrub-a-dub-dub her marble bathroom. The Carey Brothers give her some tips to keep her bathroom squeaky clean.
Peter Daich of Daich Coatings
He discuses with the Carey Brothers some ways he recommends to keep our concrete walkways safer this winter!
Devilishly Fiery Crackers
This DIY spicy-sweet party snack is sure to spark taste buds
4 cups oyster crackers
¼ cup pure maple syrup
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
6 thyme sprigs
3 tablespoons sriracha
- Preheat oven to 275 degrees. In a small saucepan, combine syrup, sriracha, and butter; bring to a boil and stir until combined. Toss with crackers and thyme.
- Spread onto a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet and bake until coating is set, stirring a few times, about 45 minutes. Let cool completely before serving. The crackers can be stored for up to a week in an airtight container.
- Enjoy!
Not-So-Scary Home Improvement Repairs
Halloween jokes aside, some DIY projects can be downright scary.
Here are some great tips from Chris Zeisler of
Front-Load Washer
- Water Inlet Valve– If your washer fails to fill properly, it’s likely that the water inlet valve is defective. A common replacement part in all washers, the inlet valve is inexpensive and fairly easy to install.
- Drain Pump– If your washer has trouble draining, a clogged or defective drain pump is the likely cause. Be sure to check the “coin trap” found on the front of the pump first – that’s where loose change, buttons and other debris often end up. If there doesn’t appear to be any obstruction, it’s possible that the pump has failed either mechanically or electrically. You can use a multi-meter to test the pump motor for continuity to help determine if the part has failed electrically.
- Drive Belt– Many front-load washers use a belt to rotate the inner tub. If the tub fails to spin or agitate, it’s possible that the belt is worn out or broken. The belt and drive pulley are easily accessible. Just remove the appliance’s rear panel and you can replace the old belt with a new one in a minute or two.
- Thermal Fuse– By far, a thermal fuse is the most common part to fail on a dryer. If the venting or blower housing becomes clogged with lint, the thermal fuse will blow, cutting off power to the burner, heating element or the appliance itself. After replacing the fuse, be sure the venting and blower wheel are clean and free of obstructions; otherwise, you’ll continue to replace the thermal fuse far too often.
- Drive Belt– If the dryer drum fails to turn, it’s likely that the drive belt is worn out or broken. Most belts are inexpensive and easy to replace.
- Rollers, Glidesand Bearings – If the dryer is noisy during operation, worn rollers, glides or bearings are a likely cause. Some models will have a bearing and retainer supporting the rear of the drum and glides in the front; other models will use rollers. If one roller or glide is worn out, we recommend replacing all of the rollers or glides at the same time.
- Water Filter– If your refrigerator has a water filter, you should replace it approximately every six months to maintain proper water flow and to ensure good water quality.
Check Air Flow – Air flow is critical for proper operation both inside and outside of the refrigerator cabinet. A damaged evaporator fan or an obstructed vent will prevent the air from circulating properly between the freezer and refrigerator compartments. Since overheating is the main cause of compressor failure, you should maintain good air flow outside the cabinet by ensuring that the rear of the appliance is kept a few inches away from the wall.
- Clean the Condenser Coil– Over time, the condenser coil will collect dust and debris which can prevent the refrigerator from cooling efficiently. We recommend using a brush to clean the coils periodically for optimum operation. You should also clean the condenser fan motor as well.
- Evaporator Fan Motoror Condenser Fan Motor – If either the evaporator fan motor or condenser fan motor become noisy during operation or stop working altogether, you should replace the defective component with a new one.
- Water Valve– If your water dispenser is not working or the icemaker doesn’t fill, it’s likely that the water valve is malfunctioning. Valves can fail either electrically or mechanically. You can determine if the valve has failed electrically by using a multi-meter to test for continuity, a continuous electrical path present in the valve. If the valve tests negative for continuity, it will need to be replaced.
Microwave Oven
- Glass Tray– Regardless of the model, the glass tray in your microwave is removable and easy to replace.
- Filters– Grease and carbon filters are usually easily accessible and should be replaced on a regular basis to improve venting and eliminate odors.
- Waveguideor Stirrer Blade Cover – Your microwave oven’s waveguide or stirrer blade has a cover to protect the component from getting soiled. A damaged cover can result in electrical arcing within the oven cavity. If you see sparks coming from the cover, the part should be replaced.
Lawn Mower
- Cutting Blades– Sharpening the cutting blade should be a part of your annual lawn mower maintenance. However, if the blade is damaged, you should replace it with a new one. Be sure to enter the lawn mower’s model number to find the right blade for your mower.
- Control Cables, Beltsand Starter Cords – Over time, brake and throttle cables can fail; the same can happen to self-propel drive belts and starter cords. All of these parts are replaceable and they don’t take long to install.
- Air Filter, Spark Plugand Engine Oil – All three of these items should be replaced annually at the beginning of the mowing season. For greater convenience, the items have been collected in “tune-up kits” that match your specific mower model and engine type. With one purchase and a few minutes for installation, your lawn mower will be ready for use.
- Igniter– Bad news: Furnace igniters fail often. Good news: Igniters are fairly inexpensive and easy to replace.
- Flame Sensor– Over time, corrosion can build up on flame sensors which can prevent them from properly sensing the flame. If simple cleaning doesn’t improve operation, you should replace the sensor.
- Blower Run Capacitor– A run capacitor sends power to the furnace’s blower motor and it’s a component that is more likely to fail than the motor itself. If the blower motor fails to work, always check the capacitor first. As with many electrical parts, you can use a multi-meter to test the capacitor for continuity.
Rockwool Stone Wool Insulation
We spoke with Dave Smith from a Lowes store in Boston in the Rockwool Sound Tunnel in the parking lot!
Rockwool stone wool is one insulation with multiple benefits. The main benefits are:
Fire resistant – Stone wool does not burn so it slows the spread of fire in a home. We are doing a burn demonstration today in the parking lot at this Lowe’s store (identify the specific store location). You guys have seen this demonstration before…
Sound insulation – Life is Loud and stone wool helps you create quieter spaces in your home. We have professional drummer Casey Cooper here and he has his drums set up in a room insulated with Rockwool stone wool. People can walk through the room and there is a huge difference in sound inside and outside the room.
Thermal insulation – This is what we all think of first with insulation. It’s to keep our homes warm in winter and cool in summer and stone wool has excellent thermal insulation properties.
Learn more about them at their website:
We talked to Matt Muenster!
You may know Matt best for his work hosting shows on HGTV and DIY Network. His resume includes Bath Crashers, BATHtastic!, Ellen’s Design Challenge, HGTV Dream Home 2015
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