Mildew In Bathrooms – On the House

Mildew In Bathrooms

By on August 22, 2015

Q. I read with interest your article on bath fans and mildew in bathrooms. I agree all bathrooms should have fans for exhaust, whether they have windows or not. There is one thing I have discovered. In my experience to move air out you first have to move air in. When people take showers or baths doors are closed. The ability of a bath fan to do its job rapidly declines. Windows and mirrors fog up and walls collect surface water. To prove my point leave the bathroom door open next time you shower. The mirror will remain clear of moisture. To cure the open door problem all you have to do is vent the door. -Frank K., Chula Vista, CA.

A. We agree that a vent in the door may be necessary with some exhaust fans. However, if the fan is powerful enough it can get enough air from the gap between the bottom of the door and the floor — usually about one inch. So, other alternatives include a lager exhaust fan and/or enlarging the gap at the bottom of the door. By the way, opening the window is another choice — if one exists. And, good luck!

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