Home Automation for Anyone – On the House

Home Automation for Anyone

By on July 28, 2014
home automation

Think high-tech homes aren’t for the average consumer? Think again! You just might have one in your future. Home automation is making inroads around the nation. Recently we heard a lot about smart homes wired with scads of integrated automation products that provide everything from increased comfort and convenience to greater safety and home security — with preprogrammed commands.

The commands control all lighting, heating, cooling, home monitors and various alarms to improve your lifestyle — and they save energy, too. While it has been mostly for new and upscale homes, a leading home automation company has just teamed up with a leading computer retailer to start offering home automation systems to everyday folks. Space-age living is knocking at your door. “Star Trek” made its debut in 1966. For years we’ve marveled at life aboard the Starship Enterprise. Well, grab your credit card and head for you local computer chain store because your ship has come in — home automation is taking off! 

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