Holey Moley, Recycling Rules! – On the House

Holey Moley, Recycling Rules!

By on October 17, 2020
Holey Moley, Recycling Rules!

All the rules you need to know when it comes to recycling and removing moles and gophers from your property!

6 Must-Know Recycling Rules 

Everyone knows that recycling is good for the environment. Most do their part to make the planet greener by regularly tossing items into the blue recycling bin. 

But as good as your intentions are, you may be doing more harm than good if you’re unaware of the most common recycling rules. For example, not every piece of plastic, cardboard, or aluminum belongs in the bin. 

The types of materials that can be recycled can vary from state to state and city-to-city, so it’s important to be knowledgeable about the recycling best practices in your area. Be well versed on the following rules to make sure your household is recycling the right way. 

1. Know the basics 

Recycling reduces the amount of waste being sent to landfills and incinerators, conserves natural resources, and saves energy.Many items can be recycled, but if they don’t get properly sorted, they’ll go straight to the trash. Make the effort to sort as you go. 

As a rule of thumb, the following materials are accepted no matter where you live: paper, cardboard, metal cans, and plastic containers labeled with a No. 1 or 2. 

2. Crush plastic bottles, leave caps on 

Recycling is the right thing to do, but it’s also important to do it right. Plastic bottles should be emptied out and crushed with the bottle caps on when thrown into the recycling bin. 

The plastic recycling industry used to not be able to recycle bottles with caps; however, as processing technology improved, the message has changed to ask that caps remain on the bottles, according to the Association of Plastic Recyclers. 

3. Don’t put plastic bags in the recycling bin 

Plastic is recyclable, so bags made of plastic belong in the recycling bin, right? Wrong. 

“Don’t put plastic bags and plastic wrap in your curbside recycling bin,” saysNina Goodrich, executive director of GreenBlue, an environmental nonprofit. “They only cause problems for recyclers by getting tangled in the equipment.” 

Instead, take your clean and dry bags, wraps, and films to a drop-off location like a retail store. Search for drop-off locations atplasticfilmrecycling.org. 

4. Plastic cutlery and coffee cups are not recyclable 

We’ve all been ordering a lot more take-out meals lately, so your collection of leftover plastic utensils has probably piled up. 

But while plastic cutlery is convenient to use in a pinch, it’s not recyclable. Plastic knives, forks, and spoons are typically not accepted in most local recycling programs and—because of their small and narrow size—can get stuck in or fall through the machinery that sorts them. 

And don’t even think about chucking your Starbucks coffee cup into the bin either! To-go cups made of cardboard have a plastic or wax lining that keeps liquid from leaking, but the lining also makes the cups nonrecyclable. 

5. Break down all cardboard boxes 

Each year 24 million tons of corrugated cardboard are discarded, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Most of that cardboard, around 91%, is recycled; but thebig rule for cardboard boxes is to break them down so they’re flat. That way you’ll optimize space in your recycling bin and reduce the number of pickups needed from your local recycling service. 

One type of cardboard box you should just throw in the trash? Pizza boxes. The grease and food soaked up by the cardboard make pizza boxes a gross mess to recycle. 

6. Keep items empty, clean, and dry 

Food is not recyclable, so every item you throw in the bin should be spotless. 

“One ketchup bottle or not-quite-empty milk carton can cause your entire bin of otherwise perfectly recyclable items to be contaminated,” says Walters. 

Therefore, any scraps, liquid, or waste should be removed from your recyclable items before tossing them. 

Be sure to rinse out any recyclables that have a thick or sticky residue, like peanut butter or frosting jars. 


Great Finds 

Do you have a garage you can’t light enough with a shop light? 

We found this light that will brighten even the darkest corner of the garage. This is one item you will want to add it to your holiday wish list! 

LED Garage Ceiling Light Fixture 

dimly-lit garage is a recipe for disaster. This three-panel,foldable ceiling light features three 60-watt LED light bulbs and provides 6,000 lumens of ultra-bright light. Its premium aluminum alloy construction makes it high-temperature resistant and its hollowed out structure improves cooling efficiency. The light is also rated for 50,000 hours of constant run time. 

Why It Makes Our Wish list: We love its versatility. The light’s foldable design enables users to drop it to 90 degrees for maximum focus on a specific project or raise it for 360-degree illumination. The light also comes with Coomoors’ two-year unconditional promise of free service. 


12-inch Magnetic Tool Holder Racks  

Thesemagnetic tool holder rackskeep the tools you use most often organized and available when you need them. Designed to screw onto any wall, workbench or table, each rack weighs around a pound but holds approximately five pounds of screwdrivers, hammers, wrenches, ratchets or whatever magnetic tool you need most. 

Why It Makes Our Wish list:Efficiency. You’ll never again search through drawers or your toolbox to find what you need. The pack featured here includes four bars, so you can keep up to 20 pounds of tools at the ready. 


Holey Moley – Great Gophers! 

Got Moles Or Gophers? 

Moles and gophers can cause significant damage to your lawn. If you spot mounds or tunnels in the ground, you’ll want to identify which pest created them so you can address the problem.  

How to identify Moles 

Moles are solitary, insect-eating animals that live underground and rarely come to the surface, usually only to find a mate. They burrow a foot deep into the soil, using their front paws to dig a network of underground tunnels.  

How can you identify a mole? They are around seven inches long with pointed muzzles, tiny eyes and hairless snouts. Their eyes and ear canals are concealed by fur, and they don’t have external ears. Their forefeet are very large and broad with webbed toes, but their hind feet are narrow with slender claws.  

In their natural environment or in large, open rural areas, moles do not cause significant damage. It’s only when they make their way into your lawn and garden that they become a problem. Moles naturally aerate soil and eat the larvae of destructive insects. However, in your yard, they’ll also destroy plant roots, bulbs and grass. The tell-tale sign that you have a mole infestation is not seeing the mole itself, but the presence of small, volcano-shaped mounds and raised ridges of dirt in your yard.  

How to identify Gophers 

Gophers are herbivore rodents with four large incisor teeth. They’re larger than mice, but smaller than rats. While they’re often mistaken for moles, they don’t have spade-like front paws as moles do. They form crescent-shaped mounds and plug the holes they use to enter and exit the ground. Gophers destroy everything from hydrangeas to trees by eating the plants’ roots. They also eat vegetables, especially carrots and potatoes. Unfortunately, they can also damage water lines and irrigation systems when digging. 

The only way to get rid of moles and gophers is to remove them from your lawn. Sometimes this can mean trapping and killing them withmole and gopher bait, but this should be a last resort. Other, humane home remedies can help get rid of moles and gophers in your yard. However, the best way to get rid of these animals is to deter them from setting up in your lawn in the first place. 

Eliminate the food source for moles  

Moles feed on soil-dwelling insects, especially grubs. You can eliminate this food source by using beneficial nematodes and milky spore to kill the grubs in your soil. The application of milky spore may take several seasons to become effective.  

You can also use a more aggressivegrub killer, such as an insecticide. Without food, moles will move on. However, this method is only partially effective. The moles eat earthworms along with other types of worms and insects. They may choose to feast on these instead of leaving your yard. Carefully follow the directions on any products you use.  

Gophers eat vegetation, so grub killers will not get rid of them. 

How to Get Rid of Moles and Gophers 

Moles and gophers can cause significant damage to your lawn. If you spot mounds or tunnels in the ground, you’ll want to identify which pest created them so you can address the problem.  

Use Repellents to Deter Moles and Gophers 

Using castor oil is another method for how to get rid of moles and gophers in your yard. Castor oil will not kill them, but it will upset their digestive tracts. It will also make your lawn less appealing. For a homemade remedy, mix three parts castor oil and one part dish soap. Add four tablespoons of the mixture to a gallon of water. Soak the tunnels and entrances to evict the moles and soak the holes to evict gophers. Castor oil is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of these animals. Skip the moth balls, tea tree oil and cayenne pepper for pest control; they are not effective. 

You can also purchaserepellent granulesorliquid repellentsto get rid of gophers and moles. Most granules can be applied directly from the bag or from a spreader. Read your product label and follow the instructions.  

To use a liquid repellent, hook your garden hose onto the bottle and spray it into the tunnels or holes as the label directs. Liquid repellents usually contain castor oil and other ingredients that are absorbed into the soil. The tunnels and holes will become less appealing to the animals and make their food sources distasteful, so they’ll leave. These repellents typically last for several weeks. Most are safe to use around pets and on your lawn but, be safe, and read your product label to confirm. 

Planting and Using Barriers to Deter Moles or Gophers 

Certain kinds of plants in your yard can help deter moles. Moles dislike the smells from plants like daffodils, marigolds and anything from the allium family. This kind of plant barrier is typically safe for children and pets, plus it makes a lovely colorful addition to your yard. 

To deter gophers, plant in raised beds. You can also make “gopher baskets” from netted material and put bulbs or young plants in them. This will allow the bulbs and plants to grow while keeping the gophers out.  

Ready-madegopher and mole barriersare also available in the form of baskets that can be placed around plants to protect them from being eaten. 

Controlling moles and gophers where they dig is a big part of getting rid of them. For moles, dig a trench roughly 6 inches wide and 2 feet deep. Then, fill the trench with rock or line it with wire mesh orhardware cloththat has holes no bigger than 3/4 inches wide. This will prevent moles from burrowing into your lawn or garden.  

Deter gophers by digging a trench around your flower bed or vegetable garden and burying a wire mesh screen or hardware cloth in it. Again, make sure the holes in the wire mesh or hardware cloth are no bigger than 3/4 inches wide.

Scare Moles and Gophers Away 

Getting rid of moles and gophers can be a hassle. However, they don’t like to live in areas where they are disturbed. A sonic spike inserted into the ground uses electronic pulses to create irritating sounds to drive these pests away. There are multipleultrasonic pest controloptions to choose from.  

Some pets will chase gophers away if the gophers see or hear them. Even the scent of a dog or cat’s fur or urine may drive a gopher away. However, gophers can carry fleas or ticks that transmit diseases, so check your pet carefully if it comes across a gopher and remove or treat for any parasites, following your veterinarian’s instructions. 

If you don’t own a pet, consider applying a predator scent to your yard, such ascoyote urine. This is yet another humane way to drive the pests away, possibly for months. Read and follow the label directions before using the scent. 



Harbor Breeze Kingsbury Ceiling Fans Recalled by HKC-US Due to Impact and Laceration Injury Hazards; Sold Exclusively at Lowe’s Stores 

Name of product: 

Kingsbury 70 inch ceiling fans 



The light globe can fall from its housing, posing an impact and laceration injury hazards. 

Remedy: Consumers should immediately contact HKC to request a new owner’s manual and light kit label to help ensure correct installation of the light globe. 



About 280,000 


Mentioned Links 

Thank you~ 

A very special thank you to all of our callers! We live to answer your questions, so keep them coming! 

Thank you to our Technical Support: 

  • Danny Bringer – Chief Engineer  
  • Carol “Remodeling Babe” Carey – Executive Producer  
  • Sam Reed – Associate Producer  
  • Rico Figliolini – Digital Master 


Thank you for tuning in to learn all about Moles, Recycling and More! And check in next week for more cool tips! 

“Holey Moley, Recycling Rules” Show Notes for On The House with the Carey Brothers aired October 17, 2020. 

Missed our live show? Don’t worry! Because we have a podcast of the show. It’s the same thing we aired on the radio, but ready for you whenever and wherever you are! Check it out here. 


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