Fix Your Loose Knob
“Murphy Brown” made its TV debut in 1988. The show starred Candice Bergen as the host of the “FYI” show. Murphy was very smart about some things yet clueless about others — such as fixing the loose knob on her folding closet door that always came off and fell on the floor. Some cabinets in the kitchen presented the same problem. Tossing a knob to her painting contractor, she headed off to work. “Here, you deal with it,” Murphy ordered.
So, what did the contractor do? He simply removed each loose knob and put a drop or two of glue on each one. He then put them back, screwed them tightly in place until the glue set up and dried. Within hours, they were as good as new. Returning home that evening, Murphy was amazed to find every knob was snug-tight and secure.
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