Energy Efficiency – On the House

Energy Efficiency

By on January 26, 2014

Recently a reader from Lodi asked how to choose the best new appliances when remodeling. You mentioned a number of factors, such as price and warranty, that should be considered when buying a new appliance. Another aspect of an appliance that can affect its “real” cost is energy efficiency. The refrigerator, for example, is responsible for a large percentage of a home’s energy use; often significant savings can be achieved by selecting an efficient model.

To choose the most energy-efficient appliance, consumers can consult the yellow “Energy Guide” labels required by law. In addition, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy produces “The Most Energy-Efficient Appliances”, a booklet that lists the most efficient models of refrigerators, hot water heaters, and other appliances. It is available for $3.00 from: ACEEE, 1001 Connecticut Ave, Suite 535, Washington, DC,. 10023. With oil prices going up and home energy costs sure to follow, this is an especially timely publication.



We salute you, appreciate your information, and are pleased to report that we too will soon have a copy of “The Most Energy-Efficient Appliances” in our library.

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