Earthquake Safety – On the House

Earthquake Safety

By on March 24, 2014

We’ve often reminded you of earthquake danger and the importance of emergency preparedness. We’ve told of the need to store plenty of water and supplies. But there are other important areas in advance emergency planning.

Earthquakes frequently occur at night when we’re sleeping. Thus, heavy pictures or mirrors on walls over a bed could become dangerous missiles. How do you protect yourself? Move all wall-hung items, especially heavy mirrors, as far from beds as possible and have all framed pictures refitted with plastic, rather than glass.

For big wall-mounted mirrors or those on sliding closet doors, have a window-tint company apply a thin, clear film called “hazard glazing” on all glass surfaces — including windows — making them shatterproof. Finally, take a full look around and move, bolt down or secure anything that might shake loose or fall your way. You’ll sleep better.

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