Drilling Hinge Holes – On the House

Drilling Hinge Holes

By on July 25, 2014
door hinge adjustment

“The Beverly Hillbillies” made its TV debut in 1962. Before heading west, Jed Clampett’s shotgun style of drilling, especially for oil (black gold, that is), was all he needed to get ahead. But once the clan got to the hills of Beverly, things changed.

Jed was faced with all sorts of new perplexing problems, like trying to drill holes for hinges in some new cabinet doors for Granny’s kitchen. No matter how well he measured, and how hard he tried, when Jed tried to drill the hinge holes (in exactly the right place), the dad-burned drill bit wandered. So, when he was done, the hinges were offset a mite, making the doors sag, and hang crookedly.

Just when Jed was about to resume some shotgun drilling, Jethro showed up with an answer _ a special self-centering “vix” bit with a drill bit inside the shaft that perfectly fit into the screw holes of the hinge. It worked, and Granny’s cabinet doors fit perfectly (and with no more bullet holes).

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