Do You Have a Drainage Problem?
Got puddles? Seeing water where it shouldn’t be? Is your yard looking like a swamp? You may have drainage or even water damage problems! If you spot potential trouble, it is simpler and less costly to repair. If you ignore the problem, it will not go away, and it will get worse and more costly to repair.
Do you have puddles that last more than a day? If puddles in your yard last longer than a few hours, it could be signs of a bigger problem. Puddles are the normal byproduct of heavy rain. But puddles usually dry up or drain in a few hours, if they stay wet look for the problem.
Poor watershed and drainage will cause soil to swell. The wet earth can force the foundation to heave causing cracks in the walls over windows and doors. This same house movement can cause doors to stick and jamb. Besides causing the house to shift, water ponding in the crawl space or basement can cause framing members to rot. And water soaked siding will soon need a new coat of paint
Do you have water or water stains in your basement? It may be that your property slopes in the wrong direction, which means the water seeps into your basement. Make sure that soil/concrete surrounding the home is sloped away from the foundation to further minimize water damage.
If you’re noticing mud or mulch flowing onto your driveways and walkways during a rainstorm the water is flowing in the wrong direction and needs to be properly drained or retained.
To minimize premature repairs and painting begin by “water-proofing” your home. Install rain gutters and downspouts. But don’t stop there. Make sure that downspouts discharge into drainage pipes that carry water away from the house.
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