The Ceramic Faucet Rundown
In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Soon, his tiny fleet of three ships landed on our shore setting a precedent forevermore.
Today, 510 years later, lots of great things from Italy continue to arrive on our shore almost daily — ceramic faucets for instance. First made popular by high-end European faucet guys, this better-idea technology has arrived stateside to end a chronic sink problem like annoying drip, drip, dripping.
These new faucets have two fire-hardened discs that are highly polished for a perfect fit and seal. They are virtually maintenance-free and designed to last almost indefinitely. Although competitively priced models are available, most are mid-range and high-end, costing $100 or more. They have sleek styling and ergonomic design to match. Got an old faucet that’s a chronic leaker? Consider better, stronger, long-lasting and sleeker.
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