Carpet 1,2,3 Part 3 – On the House

Carpet 1,2,3 Part 3

By on March 24, 2014

If you’ve just installed new wall-to-wall carpet, and you’re wondering how to keep it looking its best, continue reading.

Over time, frequent cleaning and proper care maintains beauty, and saves wear and tear. Vacuum carpets thoroughly at least twice a week, and deep-clean them every six to 18 months. You can rent a machine and do it yourself, but for high-density carpets, call in a pro. Always clean up drips and spills immediately.

For spot-cleaning, mix 1 tablespoon each, of ammonia, white vinegar and liquid dish detergent with 1 cup of cold water in a plastic quart container. Close the container and shake it until it foams. Put some on the spot, dab or brush, and blot dry. Save carpet remnants for future patches.

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