Caring for Ceramic Tiles – On the House

Caring for Ceramic Tiles

By on March 4, 2014


We just moved into a new home that has Formica kitchen countertops. Our previous home had ceramic tile. Can you give me some tips on how to care for this surface?



The surface you refer to is called plastic laminate or, more commonly, Formica (Formica is a registered trademark). There are two different finishes on plastic laminate counters: slick plastic laminate (which is shiny or glossy) and dull plastic laminate (such as butcher-block or leather-grain look). In either case they can be washed with a damp rag and wiped dry. Never use abrasive cleansers on plastic laminate because it will scratch the surface and eventually remove the finish. Most stains can be removed by squeezing a fresh lemon over the ugly area. Let is soak for about 1/2 hour, then sprinkle some baking soda over the lemon juice. Scrub it with a terry cloth rag, rinse and wipe dry.

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