Can’t Find New Breaker – On the House

Can’t Find New Breaker

By on March 5, 2014
finding old things


We recently blew one of the circuit breakers in our 30-year-old home. We have called every electrical supply house in our area and even some outside our area to find a replacement breaker but we have had no luck. The breaker we need is a 20-amp Square D, X-O single pole. We have been told that the chances of finding this breaker are slim, and that we would should be prepared to change the entire breaker box. We’re sure that there must be lots of families that share this same problem. Can you help?

John & Barb


Sure. We made a call to a very knowledgeable electrical supplier we know and he managed to pick up several circuit breakers for your old Square D, X-O panel. The moral of the story is this: Keep trying to find rare parts – someone has to have them somewhere.

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