Building/Remodeling? Plan Ahead – On the House

Building/Remodeling? Plan Ahead

By on January 4, 2014

How last-minute installation sets the stage for life-style frustration

Building? Remodeling? Don’t forget the small stuff. Ignoring finishing touches can make things inconvenient down the road. In the midst of construction, it’s often hard to stop and think ahead, especially about small stuff — for example, where towel bars and accessories should go. Later on — as you near completion — they become major considerations. While the installation of the lavish sunken tub turned out wonderfully, no one thought ahead about where to install the toilet paper holder. As a result, it winds on the wall behind the toilet — a place difficult to reach. Ideally, it should be to the left of the toilet, about 30 inches off the floor.

Other things, such as towel bars and light switches, also need pre-planning if they’re to provide optimum convenience. The same is true of every robe hook, soap dish and light bulb. Pre-planning is also needed for exteriors: gutters, downspouts, roof vents, flues, hose bibs and utility meters. Plan ahead.

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