What Is Green Renovation and Why Should You Care? – On the House

What Is Green Renovation and Why Should You Care?

By on January 20, 2016

green renovation

If you are looking into any type of renovation, green renovation has most likely come up in your research. You’re probably wondering exactly what green renovation entails and if it could work for you.

In the simplest terms, green renovation refers to the process of making your home renovation as environmentally friendly as possible. The great thing about green renovation is that you can do as much or as little as you and your budget allows, while still making a huge impact.

Green properties are becoming popular for real estate professionals, businesses and property owners. More and more people are taking steps to make their homes greener and more home buyers are giving attention to environmentally friendly houses. There has never been a better time to make your home one of the front-runners in this trend.

You may think that one person can’t make a difference, but you definitely can. Choosing to go green in your renovations will help your wallet in the long run, make your family healthier and benefit the environment.

Save Money

The idea that green renovations will break the bank is a large misconception. Actually, green renovation will save you money and eventually make your home worth more. The main focus of this type of renovation is that the item will last longer — meaning that it won’t end up in a landfill a few years down the road, but will instead provide you value for years and years. And you can go green on any budget.

The amount of money you are able to spend will determine whether you will make small changes or go for a multiple room renovation. Either of these options — or any in between — will provide all of the benefits of green renovation. Don’t be scared away by the cost.

After the renovations are done, your wallet will continue to thank you. Going green and reducing your carbon footprint will cut energy costs exponentially and will add a ton of value to your house if and when you’re ready to sell.

Here are some tips for going green and increasing energy efficiency:

  • Maximize natural light and natural air movement to decrease energy and electricity costs.
  • Insulate your home as much as you can to keep the cold air out and minimize heating costs.
  • Use compact fluorescent bulbs which will last longer and use 75 percent less energy than your regular bulbs.

energy efficient bulbs

Get Healthy

Whether or not you realize it, the home you live in probably has harmful indoor air pollutants. Going green during your renovation will reduce the pollutants in the air that you breathe every day. This reduction alone makes green renovation worth it. After all, what’s more important than your family’s health?

Use these tips to keep the indoor environment in your home as clean as possible:

  • Install filters on showers and faucets to keep water clean.
  • Keep fresh batteries in carbon monoxide (CO) and smoke detectors to prevent any dangerous situations.
  • Make sure your home is well ventilated to keep mold far away from your house. Mold could cause serious problems, so proper ventilation is extremely important.

Protect the Environment

The driving force behind green renovations is a hope to make the environment a healthier and safer place for generations to come. Even though you are only fixing up one home in the world and it seems like a small contribution, anything you can do is a huge step in the right direction. Read something about green new deal to know more about protecting the environment and ways on building a greener future.

Sustainability and effective resource use is a growing trend and will pay off in the future. These tips will help you make your home as friendly as possible to Mother Nature:

  • Use materials with post-consumer recycled content that will minimize the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills and oceans.
  • Switch to EnergyStar appliances to reduce your carbon footprint along with energy costs.
  • Make sure any wood you use in your home is certified by the Forest Council Service, ensuring that it was collected in a responsible way.

If you have been considering renovations, making the environment a top priority will only help you. Save your money, your family and Mother Nature while creating a safer and cleaner home.


Megan Wild is a home improvement advocate who likes to think that the grass could be greener on both sides. She writes about green home improvement and decor on her blog, Your Wild Home.

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