Firewood Tips – On the House

Firewood Tips

By on December 17, 2014
firewood - terms and where to stack, arbor day

Here’s a few firewood tips you should know before burning wood. Freshly cut wood contains about 50-percent moisture. It will bubble and hiss and form steam that forces messy resins out the ends. But it won’t burn.

Use “seasoned” wood that’s been dried at least six months and has a 20-percent to 25-percent moisture content. Wood with more moisture than that is considered green or wet, and should be put aside. Suppliers now also offer kiln-dried logs, which are put in huge drying ovens for days, until moisture levels are at 10 percent. While slightly more expensive, it’s the cleanest, hottest, longest-burning wood available. Wood is sold in cords, 4 feet wide, 4 feet high, and 8 feet deep. Hard woods like beech, oak, maple, hickory and white ash are the best. Avoid softwoods, like spruce, cedar and redwood. Avoid pine because it’s high resin content causes creosote buildup in chimneys — a dangerous condition.

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