Fighting the Mixed Concrete Battle – On the House

Fighting the Mixed Concrete Battle

By on July 15, 2014
buying concrete

In the film “Goldfinger” super-sleuth James Bond had to fend off a quick and powerful adversary known as “Odd Job.” Now, there is an odd job that you can undertake that will take the fight out of mixing sacked concrete.

All you have to do is fill the wedged plastic drum with one 60-pound bag of dry mix. The lid is used to measure the correct amount of water and is then locked into place onto the drum. Flip the barrel on its side and roll it back and forth for 30 seconds. Concrete will be mixed. Stand the barrel up, open the top and view the blended ingredients. By the way, an 80-pound sack takes a little longer — about 60 seconds. James Bond never had it so good! 

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