6 Tips For Keeping Your Humidifier Clean – On the House

6 Tips For Keeping Your Humidifier Clean

By on November 21, 2014
Cold Season and Humidifiers

It’s time for winters dry air, which means it’s time to pull that humidifier out of the attic. Dirty humidifiers can breed mold or bacteria and make you sick!

These tips for portable humidifiers can help:

  1. Use distilled or demineralized water. Tap water contains minerals that can create deposits inside your humidifier that promote bacterial growth. And, when released into the air, these minerals often appear as white dust on your furniture. You may also breathe in some minerals that are dispersed into the air. Distilled or demineralized water has a much lower mineral content compared with tap water. In addition, use demineralization cartridges or filters if recommended by the manufacturer.
  2. Change humidifier water often. Don’t allow film or deposits to develop inside your humidifiers. Empty the tanks, dry the inside surfaces and refill with clean water every day if possible, especially if using cool mist or ultrasonic humidifiers. Unplug the unit first.
  3. Clean humidifiers every three days. Unplug the humidifier before you clean it. Remove any mineral deposits or film from the tank or other parts of the humidifier with a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution, which is available at pharmacies. Some manufacturers recommend using chlorine bleach or other disinfectants.
  4. Always rinse the tank after cleaning to keep harmful chemicals from becoming airborne — and then inhaled.
  5. Change humidifier filters regularly. If the humidifier has a filter, change it at least as often as the manufacturer recommends — and more often if it’s dirty. Also regularly change the filter in your central air conditioning and heating system.
  6. Keep the area around humidifiers dry. If the area around a humidifier becomes damp or wet — including windows, carpeting, drapes or tablecloths — turn the humidifier down or reduce how frequently you use it.

Read more at the Mayo Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/in-depth/humidifiers/art-20048021?pg=2

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